Physical Therapy
Marc Riley
Ben Schanbacher
Casey Swartz
Melissa Palmer
Intake forms
What to expect
Please circle the answers below that BEST apply
Indicates required field
Patient ID#
Please rate your pain level with activity: (0= no pain; 10 = very severe pain
How satisfied are you with the level of care and service provided?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Please rate your progress with functional activities from start of therapy to the point in time.
At this point in your treatment, have your therapy goals been met?
Completely Met
Mostly Met
Partially Met
Not Met
1. Any of your usual work, housework or school activities
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
2. Your usual hobbies, recreational or sporting activities
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
3. Getting into or out of the bath
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
4. Walking between rooms
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate of difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
5. Putting on your shoes or socks
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
6. Squatting
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
7. Lifting an object, like a bag of groceries
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
8. Performing light activities around your home
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
9. Performing heavy activities around your home
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
10. Getting into or out of a car
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
11. Walking 2 blocks
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
12. Walking a mile
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
13. Going up or down stairs (about 1 flight of stairs)
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
14. Standing for 1 hour
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
15. Sitting for 1 hour
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
16. Running on even ground
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
17. Running on even ground
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
18. Making sharp turns while running fast
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
19. Hopping
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
20. Rolling over in bed
0 - extreme difficulty or unable to perform activity
1 - quite a bit of difficulty
2 - moderate difficulty
3 - a little bit of difficulty
4 - no difficulty
Physical Therapy
Marc Riley
Ben Schanbacher
Casey Swartz
Melissa Palmer
Intake forms
What to expect