WHAT IS THIS PROGRAM Generating the power to strike a baseball and hit it with enough force to knock it out of the park requires the entire body to work together. For a strong, powerful hit you need to generate the hit through your legs with mobility inyour hips, back, and shoulders. At Elite Therapy, we will work with you to ensure your swing has everything working properly. You work directly with a professional Physical Therapist who will analyze your body mechanics and perform multiple assessments on how to get the most out of your swing.
ASSESSMENT Your assessment will help our team build a treatment plan specific to your needs. Our therapists will work with you to understand your injury history, assess the mobility in your joints, and check where your strengths and weaknesses are. Along with this, a slow motion video will be used to analyze your swing at a variety of angles to ensure maximum power is generated. Finally, using new "Mevo Flightscope" technology we will be able to record data such as exit speed, vertical launch, and the flight time of the ball following your hit! The program combines the newest technology with the expert knowledge of our Sports Clinical Specialist. The initial assessment will include the following: Physical Assessment Video Assessment - slow motion Launch Characteristics via Mevo FlightScope
HITTING PERFORMANCE TRAINING/THERAPY Following the assessments, our professionals will develop a training protocol specific to your needs. Utilizing soft tissue treatments, manual therapy, advanced strengthening, and dynamic stabilization drills, we work with you to optimize your body and ensure this program is a "Home Run." By working with our expert regularly our performance based physical therapy can help you: -improve/restore/maintain mobility -reduce strain on your body -return from injury/surgery -understand how the body affects the swing