WHAT IS THIS PROGRAM As an athlete there is always the drive to be better. It may be to run faster, throw harder, or have a more explosive start against your opponents. At Elite Therapy, we can help you reach those goals! Our professionally trained staff, including a Sports Certified Specialist, has the knowledge and skills to help you become stronger, faster, and healthier.
ASSESSMENT Your initial assessment will include a discussion on your sport and injury history and what your goals are from our program. Following this we will perform mobility and strength testing to discover your strengths and weaknesses. These discussions and tests will allow our staff to build workout plans and allow us to test you later on and show your improvements.
SPORTS PERFORMANCE TRAINING/THERAPY Following the initial assessment, you will be guided through a personal workout plan designed specifically for you! You will be given a plan that will include resistance exercises for strength and power, cardio to build speed, and dynamic exercises to help you build your stability muscles for balance. You will work directly with our trained staff to use proper form and body mechanics through all exercises for your safety.
Along with exercises, our staff can provide you with hands on stretching and joint mobilizations to ensure your best mobility! This helps lead you through motions properly, lessen strain on your body, and continues to reduce your risk of injury.
The combined testing and knowledge of your goals, along with guidance from our licensed staff, can help you reach your full potential and be Elite!